Wednesday, July 28, 2004

You know it's gonna be a bad day when

you have chicken pot pie for breakfast.
So, yeah, not the greatest day. I am a comfort eater. If I am stressed out, depressed, or even happy I eat. Why can't I be one of those people whose appetite is killed by that kind of stuff???
The rest of the day went as follows: potato wedges, macaroni & cheese, and a new m-azing candy bar. And a C2. Which I love. I normally can't drink diet sodas. And while it's true that this one isn't technically diet, it's better than the real thing. All in all, I suppose what I had today wasn't bad. It isn't generally WHAT I eat, as HOW MUCH OF IT I eat. Most times, all that I ate today would have been in ONE sitting. Add a few more meals like that a day and that's where the weight came back on. I refuse to get stressed out over it in a big way, because I know that will just set me up for more failure. I'll be glad this weekend when all of this stuff is out of the house. When I do my big grocery shopping, I'm not even going to buy junk. If I don't bring it in, I won't eat it. Simple as that. I've just been being incredibly lazy this summer. It's a good thing I never did get into that swimsuit... That's okay. Next summer I will.


Debra@Peaceabull said...

Don't beat yourself up over it. Sometimes we slip, sometimes we fall, but we get right back up and continue the battle. Here's a {hug}

Nina said...

Ahh.. thanks! I needed that! It's like I said, I'm not going to get stressed out about it, it will just make it worse.