Monday, July 26, 2004

I'm a Wimp, I admit it

I walk when I can and I do Pilates daily when I am on the wagon. Pilates for Wimps by Jennifer DeLuca is the best book I have found so far. I love it so much I want to steal it from the library. I am going to have to find my own copy of it. There are many, many other Pilates books and videos out there, but so far this is my fave. I highly recommend it, even for those of you who have tried Pilates before and got your butts kicked. ;)


Debra@Peaceabull said...

I was pilate-ing to Denise Austin. The next day after sitting at my desk for 8 hours I was stiff as a board. I should really give it another go, since I will be able to move more freely the next day.

Encouraging...I climbed a fireman's tower yesterday...stories above treetop level. Enjoyed the view, enjoyed the burn.

Nina said...

I was also using Denise Austin prior to stumbling across this book. I wish it had a video. Denise's easy stuff was just that, easy. But when you got to the more advanced levels, I didn't like it. This book is different.
A firemens tower! Rock!