Monday, August 02, 2004

New week, new month

I haven't updated in a few days due to being incredibly busy. The oldest two kids came home from their Dad's for a couple of days and then left Sunday for their Mem's house. Nothing special going on with the diet thing yet. I have lost a couple of pounds just from cutting back on the sheer volume of food. I haven't done enough true exercise, but that will come. It is much easier for me to get my exercise when the kids are in school. I am forced (yes, forced. I am NOT a morning person) to get up early, and after dropping them off at school I can go somewhere and go for a walk or come back home and do my Pilates uninterrupted. Or both! It's also easier to eat sensibly as I am much more busy. I went to the grocery store yesterday, and as planned stocked up on healthy stuff. I didn't get as much fruit as I would have liked as most of it was overripe. I'll have to get up early and go to the Farmer's Market and get more. The peaches from Charlie are in their prime this time of the year. MMMMMMMM soo good. I did buy some cookies, but limited them to the very expensive kind. When I buy those, I tend to limit myself to one to prolong the enjoyment. A $5 box of cookies lasts so much longer than a $2 one!


Debra@Peaceabull said...

How's everything going? How are you doing?

Nina said...

Everything is going crazy as usual! I had to leave town Wednesday to go back home to pick up the car that my ex-mother-in-law gave me and the last two days have been running around getting all the little things on it fixed and insurance on it and all of that stuff. I just got home this (Friday) evening late and have been moving everything out of my two girls room as it is being redecorated tomorrow! I can't wait! I have to get a camera someday. Everything is going really good though. The diet has been going good out of sheer business, although I know it isn't good to just eat once a day. But a couple of days of that isn't going to hurt me. Although tonight before I left to come home my ex-mil took us out to eat at a catfish and shrimp buffet. Ooohh full! But yummy! How is everything going up there with you???

Debra@Peaceabull said...

Feeling kinda porky up here and lazy too boot. I keep staring at my treadmill and don't have the gumption to climb on. I need to buck up some resolve and get back on especially since the weather is nice and I won't roast up here.

Nina said...

I can totally relate to that. I haven't done so hot the last week. My hips have been killing me and when I am in pain I eat. Weird response. And as far as exercise goes.. forget it. I do good to walk when I am having an episode. I have a hip deformity and it has caused really bad arthritis and it gets me down sometimes. But, hopefully after the kids get back to school I can take it easy and get back on track. Isn't this weather crazy??

Debra@Peaceabull said...

I have a little success to report. I've been walking every day at lunchtime and been eating ...2 apples and a cheese sandwich for lunch. (when I have apples, cheese and bread) Lost 9 lbs so far! Yay!

Nina said...

Yay! Congrats! I've still been really busy and haven't had a chance to do any posting anywhere. The good side of that is I've lost 4 pounds this week without really trying. Just cutting out the junk. That gives me hope! We can do it!

Debra@Peaceabull said...

Yes we can! It's good to know you're around and doing well. I hope with all your busy-ness, you take some time to pamper deserve it.

Nina said...

Ah, I wish I had the time and energy for pampering! I need a pedicure so bad it isn't even funny. Things are settling down though so hopefully I can get things back into their little routines. It makes things seem so much better when you have time to do the little pampering things.