I guess a quick update is in order. Things have been a crazy madhouse around here still. My mental state is diminishing quickly. Fortunately, it hasn't had a bad effect on my eating habits. Well, that and for several days we were down to cleaning out the pantry to eat as we didn't have money to get more food. That's over now, thankfully. I've lost about 7 pounds. Amazing the difference that makes in the fit of your pants. I've been hurting pretty bad lately with my hips so I haven't done a bit of exercise. Not the formal kind anyway, chasing after 3 kids and the various other things that have kept my busy lately are pretty much exercise. I have an appointment with the mental health services soon, so hopefully I can get everything in that dept. back on track. They can also help with the physical part, as I don't qualify for any kind of insurance aid anymore. (Thanks, George, you fucking asshole) And they can also help me get back to school without having to pay for any of it. On a bright note, the Willabeast is completely potty trained!! A good side effect of not having money to buy pull-ups.
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Sounds like you need a {{{hug}}}.
Ahh.. thanks! I really do. I should keep a better update of things, but I am finding it hard lately to do the things I am supposed to do, much less the extras. Hope the new job is still going well. How is your exercise and weight loss going? Good, I hope!
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